Below is a list of our automated calibration procedures. All of them are standalone executable programs and not requiring another platform to run such as Metcal or Surecal. All that is required is a Windows PC, an interface*(USB or GPIB-USB), Microsoft Excel, National instruments drivers and of course the required test equipment and accessories.
All of these are ready for deployment at a customer facility (unless specified below) but will require some customization. The procedures can be customized to utilize the customer’s specific standards and procedures whether they are of military or manufacturer origin.

Keysight PNA Series: N5221A, N5222A, N5224A, N5225A and N5227A network analyzers.
Standards required: 53131A/32A counter, E4419B dual power meter, Keysight low and high frequency power sensors and Fluke 9640A or Agilent Z5623A H01

Keysight E8257D PSG: Analog signal generator with a frequency range of 100 kHz to 67 GHz
Standards required(50 GHz Models): Keysight E4448A PSA w/MMR option, Keysight E4419B/E4418B or N1911A/N1912A power meter, E9304A, 8487A, Frequency standard, Oscilloscope and phase noise measurement system.

Fluke 5700A/5720A Calibrator: High accuracy standard calibrating up to 8.5 digit multimeters.
Standards required: Fluke 5790A, Fluke 8508A, resistor standards for 2A, 200mA, 20mA, 2mA, 200uA ranges and HP 53131A

Yokogawa WT1800* Power Analyzer: High performance power analyzer with up to six power inputs.
Standards required: Fluke 5520A/5522A calibrator
*procedure can be programmed to support other series such as the WT500 and WT300 series.

Keysight 34401A: Popular 6.5 digit digital multimeter
Standards required: Fluke 5700A/5720A

Keithley 2000: Another Popular 6.5 digit digital multimeter
Standards required: Fluke 5700A/5720A

Ectron 1140A: Thermocouple simulator
Standards required: HP 3458A, Fluke 5520A/5522A
*Interface such as USB, LAN, GPIB, etc… will be specified for each procedure
If you have questions or would like a quote feel free to email us at
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