Our customized automation programs for Fluke 5522A calibrators and Fluke 5500A calibrators have had the most customization’s out of all the programs from our library. Whether the customer is a calibration lab or repair lab, we’ve been able to support a variety of standards, test methods and test points for our customers. We are able to update the program remotely as our customer labs evolve and grow helping our customer’s to become even more profitable and more efficient. We support a variety of standards such as the Fluke 8508A DMM, Keysight E4980A LCR Meter, Tektronix oscilloscopes, Agilent oscilloscopes, and even the newer Fluke 8588A mentioned below.
More Efficiency with less standards using the Fluke 8588A Reference Multimeter

Save time and costs by utilizing the Fluke 8588A to performance test your Fluke 5522A calibrators. Having less standards means having less connections to make, less standards to calibrate, less testing time and improve overall efficiency.
Check out the Fluke 8588A Application note by Clicking Here.
Fast Software Support for our Automation Programs!

We have extensive remote support capabilities so we can debug, modify, update our software without the need to visit your facility. We can do this with minimal disruption of your production and without tying up your standards as you would with having a developer physically there.
Speed up your Fluke 5522A calibrations NOW and make your customer’s happier with a Faster turn around time!
Reach out to us when you’re ready for more productivity by using our customized automation programs for Fluke 5522A calibrators and Fluke 5500A calibrators! Contact us Today!