Test Equipment Repair Services include Free Evaluations*
We specialize in Test equipment repairs but we also provide other services for PCB board repairs, data recovery, HDD to SSD upgrades and other custom soldering jobs. We can also assist in obtaining post repair calibration services from one of our affiliate labs. For other repair services please contact repair@dominitechnologies.com for any questions or inquiries. Otherwise, please fill out the form below for your test equipment to determine serviceability.
Repair Status Tracking
Track the status of your repairs through our Repair Tracker at repair.dominitechnologies.com. All of the repairs that come to us are entered into our Repair Tracker system and the whole process is updated in real time. Customers can also include questions or notes into their own repair records.

We service many of the popular brands of Test Equipment such as Agilent, Fluke, Tektronix and other legacy brands such as HP and Voltech.
Our repair facility is capable of doing component level repair for both “through-hole”, SMD components or assembly swaps, whatever is more economical for the job.
Typical problems we regularly service are: “no-boot/power cycling” issues, corrupt hard-drives, inaccurate power measurements, display problems, broken knobs, both internal and system power supplies and even electronic DC loads(certain manufacturers).
To assist us on determining serviceability please fill out the form below and we will quickly let you know if your equipment will be accepted for repair or discuss more cost effective solutions for servicing or replacing your equipment.
*Evaluations may incur a fee if the condition of the equipment has evidence of extensive damage which would require a significant amount of labor to perform a full evaluation.
For current flat rates repair services offered click here : Repair Prices, Check real-time status at repair.dominitechnologies.com.
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